Here is the obituary for
It`s with regret that we announce the death of Mr. Roger Labrie, preceded by his wife Réjeanne Bergevin passed away on May 11, 2015 and his son Charles . He passed away at the Hôpital Sacré-Coeur on July 12, 2015 , at the age of 85 years.
He is survived by his children Pierre (Raymonde), Hélène (Pierre), Christiane (Jean), Louise and Jocelyne, his 7 grandchildren Francis, Catherine, Laurent, Olivier, Édith, Marie-Noëlle and David, his many great-grandchildren as well as other relatives and friends.
The family will receive condolences on Saturday, July 25 from 11 am to 3 pm at Armstrong Funeral Home (1640 Côte-Vertu, Ville St-Laurent, Qc, H4L 2A2).
Testimonies of sympathy
Nos sympathies à la famille et aux proches.
Jacques Rainville
À Louise et sa famille, Nous t'offrons nos sincères condoléances. Ce sont de biens tristes moments à traverser... Vos parents continueront de vivre dans vos coeurs et les moments de bonheur que vous avez vécus vous accompagneront afin de soulager un peu votre peine. Jocelyne et Marie-Andrée xx
Jocelyne Hétu
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