
Here is the obituary for 



It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our beloved mother, Ms Carol Champagne Booker, in her 70 year, on March 12th, 2020.

In her passing, she is reunited with her husband Mr Michel Champagne. She is survived by her sons Richard and Martin (Jessica), her grandchildren Ava, Julia and Kinsley, her sisters and brothers, sisters-in-law, brothers-in-law, nephews and nieces and many other relatives and friends.


Her family will receive condoleances at the funeral parlor :

Alexandre Nicole

Complexe Funéraire Châteauguay

96, boul. St-Jean-Baptiste

Châteauguay, 450 699-9919

on Wednesday, March 18th, from 14 :00 to 17 :00 and from 19 :00 to 21 :00 and on Thursday, March 19th from 9 :00 to 11 :00, followed by a commemorative service at the chapel of the parlor at 11 :00.


In lieu of flowers, donation can be make at the Canadian Cancer Society.

Testimonies of sympathy

Toutes nos condoléances à toi Richard et à ta famille. Bon courage. 

Josée et Lucien

Toutes nos plus sincères condoléances à Richard et à tous tes proches. L'Association des bénévoles de l'Hôpital Anna-Laberge

Manon Beauregard

Recevez mes très sincères condoléances et l'expression de ma plus profonde sympathie. 

Caroline Dionne

Mes plus sincères condoléances aux membres de la famille. 

Richard Himbeault, Bénévole en soins palliatifs, Hôpital Anna Laberge

To donate

Memories are like threads of gold, they never tarnish or grow old.