
Here is the obituary for 



It is with great sorrow that we announce the passing of Mrs. Lise Blais on at the age of 76, in Chateauguay.

She is survived by her children Terence (Stephanie) and Timothy, her friend Louise, her grandchildren William and Elizabeth, her brother Laurier and her sisters Huguette and Catherine, her brother-in-law Lorne and her sister-in-law Eleanore and many relatives and friends.

Visitations will be held on May 24th, 2024 between 18:00 and 20:00 of the funeral parlor:

Alexandre Nicole

Complexe Funéraire Châteauguay

96, boul. St-Jean-Baptiste

Châteauguay, 450 699-9919


In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to Fédération québécoise des Sociétés Alzheimer.

Testimonies of sympathy

Tu va me manquer ma soeur, je t'aime énormément. Je pense à toi à bientôt ma chère soeur.

Catherine Perushek

Quel tristesse d'apprendre le décès de Lise. Je souhaite à ses enfants ainsi qu'a toute sa famille mes plus sincères condoléances. De là-haut, je suis certaine qu?elle veillera sur vous tous. Sincèrement, 

Nicole Audette Pizzi

To donate

To live in hearts we leave is not to die.